After years searching for machine songket producer all over asia, finally this research comes into a happy ending. For the first time in Malaysia this machine produced pieces of machinemade songket with complete operationing team.

Above is the picture of colored threads, it is as the same process as traditional method in making songket. Previously this machine had been brought in by Kraftangan in Terengganu, but from what I could see it has been left without any use. They said that they need special (proffessional) operators for it. Yes offcourse every machine need narrow specialize operator.

This machine has been imported for our producer in Felda Chini, and finally Felda created a production of songket and tenun fabric here. As the same old process the threads will be sorted in the sorting machine before inserted to the machine. Why machine? Why dont we keep the originality of handmade? These questions lead me to this reseach when a client wants me to create a songket for a special gift which has the client's own identity.

How could I find a production with minimal of cost, without going out off Malaysia that can produced a special design songket (with company logo on it) and produce in big number of quantity? Below is the picture of the threads being pulled in the machine slot.

We seldom offered to design special songket and fabric with company logo for gifts, however we always failed when it come to production. The process stop of this limited sources in our country, when we outsource the price will be rediculous for our client.

Above is the full view of the machine, operated by one operator for each machine.

The design was done earlier in the computer using graphic software. Then the design will be transfered into blocks as below.

One of the operator is operating the machine.

This machine can produce approximate 20 meters for 24 hours operating, comparing the manual machine will produce 20 meters for 30 days of operating.

It can produce in various colors and specifications depends on clients requests. And the price can be as low as rm250 per piece.

Cost and effectiveness always come first in today and future products. Offcourse the originality of Handmade will remain. We must always respect our herritage originality and never left it behind, however to sustain our herritage, I think this is the best way to compete in the future market. Let us support our Songket to a new life in a better solution for the future.