Malaysian market in fashion is growing bigger, the pie is getting larger when foriegn fashion industry dare to put a large amount of shares here. Day by day our local learns to appreciate fashion a lot, i can say Malaysians are much more intelligent in fashion these days. However our traditionals also getting much quality with highly fashionable and style, as kebaya design that spark by 'Barbara J' fashion house yet illustrated by my fiance for this coming Hari Raya.

Mix and match materials, from modern fabrics combine with classic style enhancing our traditional kebaya into an evergreen style. Polkadots baby blue with white top makes it my most favorite!

Cutting the illustration to be paste on the board for clean expression of our presentation.

This black and grey satin overcome old-fashioned kebaya looks.

After cutting, the models were paste on a frame board.

But before that gluing process using spraymount.

This polkadots silk combined with biege top kebaya is a great choice.

Set A (above) shows plane sets of kebaya with dark range fabrics. Set B (below) shows the bright colored range of kebaya.

Thanks to Barbara J for trusting fcendvsyu to realize ur design into a presentation idea board.
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